Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Photos for Jay & Katie

Jay and Katie became parents to precious Jillian 2 months ago.  I was honored that they asked me to take newborn photos of Jill when she was only 3 days old. 

Now, I am thankful that I get to show you some more pictures of them with Jill and their moms (and Jay's dad) for this special Mother's Day weekend.  It was a gorgeous evening with beautiful lighting over the foothills and we all had so much fun taking these bittersweet photos. 

Why bittersweet?  Well, Katie was diagnosed with breast cancer this past week.  She isn't even 30 yet and will begin chemo in a few short weeks.  It is a blessing to see how Jay and Katie are handling parenthood along with this devastating news.  Their faith in God is rock solid and they have a wonderful support system around them. 

Please enjoy this preview of 3 generations.  And, as Katie comes to your mind, please pray for her quick healing!


 Jay always makes everyone laugh (esp. his wife):

 I love this shot of them walking hand-in-hand.  They are on a journey together and are growing stronger because of it:


 I got a few shots of just Jilly Bean by herself when I babysat her on Thursday afternoon:


  1. May God have blessing on this family. Our prayers are pouring in from Massachusetts! (friend of John)
